Ventura County Library: Inspiring our community to explore, discover, and connect
Library Administration
- Director: Nancy Schram
- Deputy Director: Ned Branch
- Education, Outreach and Literacy Manager: Antonio Apodaca
- Youth Services Manager: Molly Krill
- Collection and Technical Services Librarian: Derek Stalcup
- Fiscal Manager: Sonny Satanapong
- Technology Engagement Manager: Amanda Armitage
- Ventura Region Librarian: Tyler Mayser
- East County Region Librarian: Anne Hogya
- Ojai Valley Region Librarian: Ron Solórzano
Ventura County Library is a County agency governed by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors.
Mission & Vision
Ventura County Library: Inspiring our community to explore, discover, and connect
Vision Statement
For many Americans, libraries have been the beginning of the climb out of poverty. They are the physical reminder that Americans believe knowledge should be available and freely shared. They are a place that reminds us that education takes place in many venues, over all the years of our lives. Libraries hold a special position in the United States. The values that make our county unique are made visible in our libraries. They are the places we come to as children and return to as adults, to find adventure, to learn, to discover, in the vast world of ideas mankind has created.
Increasingly, libraries are not only a place. We can access information, books and videos from our homes, our businesses or anywhere we have access to the library’s homepage. Ventura County Library (VCL) is committed to creating the same sense of community, of ownership in the virtual world that our communities feel in their neighborhood libraries.
We are committed to providing the communities we serve with the very best of what libraries can provide in as many ways and as conveniently as possible.
Our communities are a vital part of deciding how to create and improve our libraries. We listen for their voices and respond to their ideas. We invite and welcome everyone to engage in lifelong learning with us at VCL.
VCL Statement of Inclusivity
Libraries are for Everyone
Ventura County Library values every customer regardless of citizenship, age, race, religious affiliation, gender, or sexual preference. We believe in confidentiality, freedom of information, and always being open and available to everyone.
As testament to this philosophy we have adopted a Statement of Inclusivity as part of the Library’s Mission, Vision, and Values page. It is our mission and vision to always include, value, and respect each customer as a unique individual.
Statement of Inclusivity
Public libraries have long been known as one of our truly democratic institutions. Public libraries champion First Amendment rights, and promote free access to information for all. Public libraries offer services and educational resources that promote inclusion and diversity to all in the community. In light of the uncertainty many feel in our current society, we reaffirm:
The Ventura County Library values connection, fairness, diversity, empowerment, unity, compassion, and community.
The Ventura County Library provides service to all races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, abilities, ages, national or ethnic origins, languages, citizenship statuses, economic statuses, political affiliations.
The Ventura County Library is an inclusive community hub where people explore, discover, and connect.