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Volunteer - hands raised in the air
Branch Library Volunteering - Book with pages in the shape of a heart.

Help Your Local Branch Library

Contact staff to find out what opportunities are currently available at your local library branch.

Example of assignments: Help maintain library collections; Assist in preparation for programs and events; Help library users navigate library technology.

Homework Help Volunteering - woman and child doing homework

Help students at Homework Centers

Working with Homework Center staff, volunteers assist students with homework assignments, research projects, and reading skills practice.

Visit the Homework Center & Student Enrichment page to find center locations and branch contact information.

Person holding book and reading glasses

Become a READ Tutor for Adults

The Library's READ program tutors adults in reading. 

If you are interested in being a student or tutor, visit our READ Adult Literacy Program page. 

Volunteer tutors do not need  prior teaching experience; training is provided. 

Young people working together - Internship Volunteering

Library Internships

These unpaid internships are available for graduate students in Library and Information Science who may participate in services and projects in several areas, including Youth Services, Collections & Technical Services, Adult Services, Library Information and Technology, Literacy Services, or Branch Services.


Call (805) 677-7150 for more information

Bookstore on wood table

Become a Friend of the Library

The Ventura County Library has Friends groups that help support various library branches with fund-raising activities, such as book sales. All money earned by Friends’ groups is given to the libraries. 


Visit the Friends of the Library page to contact your local Friends group.

Person in orange volunteer shirt

Teen Volunteers (ages 13-17)

Ventura County Library offers volunteer opportunities for students ages 13-17, including those needing school community service credit.


Teen volunteers are especially needed June through August to help with the summer reading challenge.