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Suggest a Purchase

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Help us develop our collection! If you can't find an item in the catalog, you can ask the library to purchase the item. Librarians review all suggestions for inclusion in the countywide collection.

About Suggesting a Purchase

In addition to suggesting we purchase an item, you may also:

We recommend suggested titles have a copyright date of two years or less from the date of suggestion.

Publication dates within six months in the future are accepted.

Our librarians consult recognized reviewing resources—such as Library Journal, Booklist, or Kirkus Reviews—as part of the selection process. Topics should be of current and enduring value to the Ventura County Library collection, and titles by local Ventura County authors are encouraged.

Due to the large number of requests we receive, you may not receive a response regarding your submission. 

Suggest a Purchase Form

VCL 14 digit barcode card number (begins with 23129...)
Your Name
Book title you are requesting
The author of the title you are requesting
The ISBN helps us find the correct item
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