Books (print or audio) are delivered to you directly from Amazon for free and then return to the library.
This is a grant-funded program by the California State Library.
Please note: New releases (published within the last six months) and prepublication orders are not eligible for the Zip Books program. Please refer to Suggest a Purchase for these requests.
Read About Zip Books Before Placing Requests:
- None! However, this service is for books the library does not own and there are some parameters:
- You must have a library card in good standing with the Ventura County Library.
- You are limited to 10 books a month.
- You may order all 10 you are allowed at once or can order them in smaller batches or individually – but remember, only 10 in a month in total.
- Titles must be available from Amazon Prime.
- Print books must be valued under $50. Audiobooks and foreign language books can be valued up to $75.
- No prepublication orders or brand-new releases (published within the last six months) will be eligible. Please refer to Suggest a Purchase for these requests.
- Please do not order textbooks or workbooks meant to be written in.
Fill out the form below after checking the library catalog and Amazon to see if it meets the request criteria outlined above.
- Enjoy your book!
- After three weeks, please return the book to your library branch and hand it to the staff.
- Put the Amazon receipt in the book, or put a note inside the book, so we know it was a Zip Book.
If the book meets our Collection Development Criteria, it will be added to the collection for others to enjoy.
Contact Zipbooks@ventura.org