About the Mobile Library
The Mobile Library is currently scheduled to make visits throughout Ventura County, bringing WiFi on Wheels services and library materials to underserved locations.
The vehicle serves as a WiFI hotspot, providing WiFi access outside the vehicle for several feet, allowing students and the community to socially distance and connect to the Internet. Mobile Library staff also provide book services and issue new library cards.
Mobile Library Report 2018-2023
Watch a video about the Ventura County Library Mobile Library Program [March 2021]
Video Link: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=142201167812868
Ventura County Library boasts having the first bookmobile service in California, dating back to 1924 when Elizabeth Topping, then County Librarian, loaded saddlebags on horseback to deliver books throughout the county.
Almost a century later, the Ventura County Mobile Library hits the road in May 2019. Playing an important outreach role, the Mobile Library is connecting new users and raising awareness of library services throughout the county. The Mobile Library also is a great opportunity to introduce the love of reading to children and to discover the benefits of lifelong learning.
“The mobile library is such a great opportunity for our Nyeland families who do not have access to even the closest library.”
-- Monique Garcia, BGCOP Nyeland Unit Director
The Mobile Library offers a full range of library services, including:
- Popular materials for all ages and in multiple formats: books, DVDs, audiobooks
- Checkout and return
- Free Wi-Fi
- Wireless Printing
- STEM & Makerspaces activities
- Storytimes
- Class visits
- Participation in community events
Mobile Library FAQ
The Ventura County Mobile Library was completely funded through grant and donated funds. It was funded through a generous donation from the Ventura County Library Foundation, which included significant donations from Premier America Credit Union and the Port of Hueneme. In addition, the Ventura County Mobile Library project was also funded through a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and awarded through the California State Library.
The Ventura County Library established partnerships with neighboring libraries to reach all corners of the county with library services. Grant partners include: Santa Paula Public Library, Moorpark City Library, Simi Valley Public Library, and the Museum of Ventura County.
The Mobile Library provides service to the underserved areas where many people have little or no library service due to lack of transportation or mobility issues which may prevent residents from having access to library buildings.
The Mobile Library offers a full range of library services including: Free Wi-Fi, Wireless Printing, STEM & Makerspaces activities, Storytimes, and Class visits. The Mobile Library serves communities with collections that include materials for children, teens, adults, and seniors in English and Spanish. Patrons may also request material.
The Mobile Library is 312” long (26 feet), 95.5” wide (8 feet), and 120” high (10 feet). The interior height is 78.2” high (6.5 feet). It holds approximately 2000 books, DVDs, and audiobooks depending on the type.
The Mobile Library uses clean diesel fuel, a type of fuel highly refined to improve combustion efficiency and reduce harmful emissions. In addition, electric power in the vehicle is supplemented by solar panels on the roof of the vehicle which work to recharge the vehicles batteries during the day.
Mobile Library service is free to all community members in Ventura County. Library cards are free.
The Mobile Library will travel Countywide primarily serving those underserved populations who may experience barriers or limited access to brick and mortar libraries. To see a current list of stops and special events, check out the Mobile Library Event Calendar (the schedule is always changing).
1-2 hours, depending on the stop.
Yes. All that is required is a application form filled out, and if the applicant is under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian signature.
Most Mobile Library materials can be checked out for three weeks and renewed for an additional three weeks.
Materials charged out from Mobile Library can be returned to the Mobile Library or any Ventura County Library location. Fines are charged for lost or damaged materials.
Yes. When you place a hold on the website, select Mobile Library as your pickup location.
No. You can:
- pay your account balance at any library building location
- sign in to your account and pay fees online
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Presidents' Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Some inclement weather or other emergencies may prevent the Ventura County Mobile Library from operations such as severe storms. In such cases, all materials will be renewed and there are no charges.
You will not be charged overdue fines if there is an interruption to regular Mobile Library service.
If you wish to make a donation to keep the Mobile Library on the road, please visit www.vclibraryfoundation.org.