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Image removed.VC Reader is your source for VCL library happenings!

The Winter issue includes Parenting Tips, Black History Reads, Women's History Reads, Rainbow STEAM Activity, and more!

VC Reader is your source for VCL library happenings! The Spring issue includes Career Online High School: Guido's Success Story…
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United Way may be able to help you with your taxes!

This year more than ever folks are anxious to file their tax returns and receive their refund. If you make up to $57,000 you may qualify for free tax preparation assistance.

The VITA tax preparation sites use trained volunteers to prepare and file tax returns.

Due to COVID-19, taxes will only be prepared using either a Virtual or Drop-off process. There will be NO face-to-face appointments with a tax preparation volunteer, as all sites remain closed.

The VITA flyer in English 

El folleto de VITA en español

United Way's VITA free tax preparation website

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