
Hello again my name is David and I am a Library Tech at E.P. Foster Library and amateur photographer.   This is the story behind the photo.   This is a photo of the Elizabeth Bard Memorial…
This is going to be the longest of Joel’s Journeys, but your blogger thinks it’s worth it.  You will avoid crowds…
Hello to all Shakespeare and Theatre enthusiasts, from preteens to seniors. Ventura County Library is partnering with the Rubicon Theatre…
Hello again my name is David and I am a Library Tech at E.P. Foster Library and amateur photographer.This is the story behind the photo. 
"The Tiger Path, or The Roger Path, that is the question."
Here is another craft project you can do at home.Artist Kathleen Kaller teaches the simple, beautiful craft of marbling known as Suminagashi (sue-me-NAH-gah-she), which means literally “ink-floating.”
Hello again my name is David and I am a Library Tech at E.P. Foster Library and amateur photographer.This is the story behind the photo.