All Ventura County Library branches will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. Your eLibrary is always open at

Todas las sucursales de la biblioteca del condado de Ventura estarán cerradas el lunes 2 de septiembre en conmemoración del Día laboral. Su biblioteca electrónica siempre está abierta en

CA State Library Parks Passes Available

California State Parks Passes Available at VCL!

Visit the beautiful parks, lakes, beaches, and monuments in the California State Parks system for free.


VC Reader Summer 2024 is Ready

Ventura County Reader is available!

VCL Summer 2024 Newsletter

Reading Challenges, image of a dog with a newspaper, reading

Books to Explore, image of a book with headphones

Parents & Students, image of a family gathered around a picture book

Recursos en Espanol, image of a globe

Get a Library card, image of the Ventura County Library card with hills and ocean graphic

Library of Things, image of an older couple looking at a laptop

Homework Help, image of a red backpack overflowing with school supplies

Calendar Events, image of a paper calendar month (showing April 2018 in the photo)