Do-It-Yourself Water Savings Kit

DIY Water Savings Kit picture of box containing kit items with library logos


Curious about how you can save water? Congratulations! That’s the first step toward water conservation.

The toolkit helps you take charge of your home’s water use.

It includes tools and equipment you can use to divert or slow down water flows and let you know what changes you need to make. We walk you through each step in exploring this toolkit and help you understand how you can lower your water usage. We also offer additional tips for “going green” in your daily life. Whether your goal is to save money, improve your health, or protect your local environment, we invite you to explore the kit and attached guide to start learning more!

Contents sheet and staff FAQ

Guide (English) / Guide (Spanish)

Policy And Waiver Form

Do-It-Yourself Water Savings Kit  Policy and Waiver
