
The Story behind the photo: Hello, my name is David and I am a library tech at E.P. Foster Library and amateur photographer. I photograph interesting places in Ventura County in B/W.  My first…
Ventura County Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin has issued a recommendation supporting residents of Ventura County who wear a mask when leaving their homes for…
After channeling my inner Monty Don and polishing off a pot of tea I trudged to the backyard. Weed infested beyond belief, I started tugging unwanted plants from Mother Earth. The soil was soft which…
Got free time? Need a break from the outbreak? Don’t worry. We have a plan. Ready.Set. Wash your hands. Wipe down that tablet. Now you're all clear to venture into an imaginary world with that ebook…
Schools and libraries are closed but not your eLibrary. Students who wish to continue their studies, or need information while…
During these challenging days of self-isolation and quarantine something to read is mandatory. When you have read all the books on your bookshelves 
California Lutheran University Community Counseling Services will visit the Ojai Library on Saturday, March 14, at 1pm to present a Mindfulness Workshop.